We have lessons that will exand your skills


New to climbing or just want to send that gym project

Top Rope Belay

Climbing Basics
(Top Rope)

We will teach you and your climbing partner how to manage the safety ropes (Belay) and keep each other safe on the wall.
2hr Lesson
Advanced Booking Required
Register Now!


Bouldering Basics (How to fall)

Bouldering is a hugely popular, fun and social. We'll teach you the very basics on falling/landing on the boulder mats... for first time boulderers! 
Free with Gym Orientation!

Lead Belay

Advanced Climbing (Lead)

Been top rope climbing for a while and ready to take it to the next level and open up more terrain? Sign up for our Advanced Climbing and learn to Lead Climb safety. We'll show you how to lead climb, fall and lead belay step by step.
Book Your Advanced Lesson Now!

Movement Classes

Climbing Movement Skills

Frustrated with your climbing because you have plateaued?
Sign up for a Movement Skills Course and we'll help break those bad habits and show how how to be more efficient and get the most out of your body.
Contact us for more information


Learn how to climb outdoor safely


Top Rope Anchors 101

Learn all the outdoor basics so you can safely go Top Rope climbing outdoors. Our ACMG certified instructors will teach Cliffside Safety,  Top Rope Anchor building and basic Rappelling and have you outddor climbing safely with confidence.   
Contact us for more information


Sport Climbing 101

Ready to take your indoor lead climbing to the outddors? Our ACMG certified instructors will make sure you start off with critical safety skills you will need to take on the classic Cheakamus sport routes. We show you how to Stick Clip and Clean you route when you're done as well.
 Contact us for more information

Trad Climbing

Trad Climbing 101

So you've mastered the Sport World and are ready to open up more and exciting terrain.
We'll teach on the basics of single pitch traditional climbing. You will learn about risk assessment, risk management, gear placement and strategies. And yes, you will be falling :)
 Contact us for more information